lauantai 2. elokuuta 2014

QS A Bunch of Love & Passione Ricamo Mystery SAL (2012)

Though there have been no updates, I'm still here and stitching! :) I had placed the Q-snaps so perfectly that didn't want to take them off until I had finished the section. So without further ado, here she is:

Täällä ollaan ja pistellään, vaikka päivityksiä ei olekaan tullut :) Olin asetellut ompelukehykseni niin loistavaan paikkaan, etten raaskinut irrottaa sitä ja ottaa päivityskuvia ennen kuin olin saanut koko sen osion pisteltyä. Mutta tässä siis päivitys merenneidosta:

And I've done some beading as well, not much to go anymore!

Ja olen myös kiinnitellyt helmiä tähän keiju-työhön, nyt alkaa olemaan jo viimeiset vaiheet koko työssä edessä!

8 kommenttia:

  1. Wonderful update! Bunch of Love is looking great, and you are SO close on your SAL!

  2. I love the colours in both these pieces. They must be fun to stitch!

  3. They're both looking great!
    I wish I'd thought to do that with the Passione Ricamo SAL, I didn't like the writing at the bottom so I gave up, for some reason I didn't think to just edit it out!

  4. Like the sal, I'm doing 2014 one. Both look great, love your blog and stitching.

  5. Awesome progress. Hope you can finish your SAL soon! :)

  6. They both look amazing! Well done :)

  7. Oh bunch of love ia adorable. Such lovely colurs.

  8. Hi Nina, sorry it's a bit late but just wanted to drop in to admire your handiwork. Lucky girl you're so close to a finish and it's stunning. I really should work on mine.
    xo Alicia
