perjantai 7. helmikuuta 2014

Faces of Faery 187

Here's my little girl:

Tässä FoF187:

She's coming along nicely, next time I'll be focusing on her other eye. And she's going to be for my younger daughter, though she'll have to wait for a finish for awhile, lol :)

Tämä edistyy kivasti, ensi kerralla keskityn pistelemään toista silmää. Ja tämä tulee nuoremmalle tyttärelleni, vaikka hänen täytyykin odottaa valmistumista vielä jokunen tovi, heh :)

3 kommenttia:

  1. She's so pretty... I have so many FoF, I really ought to start one, and seeing this just makes me all the more tempted!

  2. She's beautiful. The eye is so pretty. Love it.

  3. Love her Nina, the eye turned out amazing. Yep it makes me want to pull out my FOF and work on her too!
    Alicia xo
