lauantai 20. lokakuuta 2012

Passione Ricamo Mystery SAL (part 4)

Here's the top row finished:

Tässä ylin rivi valmiina:

The fifth part will be released in November, so in the meantime I'll be stitching Mermaid and QS A Bunch of Love.

Viides osa julkistetaan marraskuussa, joten tällä välin pistelen Mermaid- ja A Bunch of Love-mallia.

6 kommenttia:

  1. How beautiful =)
    I really love the border and the wings =)

  2. I am so jealous, I'm still only two pages in... it's looking gorgeous, love it!

  3. Beautiful Nina. I couldn't resist watching all your wips that I joined the SAL as well. I'll never catch up with you so don't worry the mystery won't be revealed by me LOL!! xox

  4. Oooh, Nina!!! Looking so beautiful!!

  5. Thank you :)

    Kim,you should really stick with it. The sky was a bit daunting, but when you'll get to the second wing the rest is so much more fun to stitch.

    Alicia, you should start it right away and catch up :) The border especially is lovely to stitch, and this stitches up quite quickly.
