Tässä uusin aloitukseni, Sunrise:

I didn't get as much as done as I would have liked to, but a start is a start. The first page is a boring one, as there's nothing else to see than sky (and a little start of a butterfly in the bottom right corner). And here's where I'm with Titania right now:
En saanut pisteltyä niin paljon kuin olisin halunnut, mutta alku nyt on aina alku. Ensimmäinen sivu on aika tylsä pistellä, koska se sisältää vain taivasta (sekä pienen alun perhosesta oikeassa alakulmassa). Ja tässä kuva Titaniasta, missä olen nyt menossa:
I usually never make mistakes with counting, but the start of her right wing was really difficult for some unknown reason. I actually had to frog it three times before it went right. And here it is as the fourth round. My plan was to get much more further, but that nasty frog kept bugging me. She's coming with me to our vacation, so maybe next update will show more of her wing.
En yleensä tee laskuvirheitä pistellessä, mutta tässä Titanian toisessa siivessä oli jotain hyvin kummallista. Minun täytyi purkaa se kolmesti, ennen kuin sain sen paikoilleen niin kuin pitikin. Ja tässä siis yritys numero neljä. Toivoin saavani tätä pidemmälle pisteltyä, mutta minkäs teet kun aikaa tuhraantui purkamiseen ja uudelleen pistelyyn. Otan tämän työn ensi viikon lomalle mukaan, joten toivottavasti siipeä olisi silloin enemmän näytettävänä.
A great start =) I know about boring sky-stitching, but you just have to go through with it =)
VastaaPoistaTitania looks great, I'm so sorry to hear about the mess with her wing. I hope you will have better luck the next time you touch her =)
Sunrise is lovely, it's something I often discuss on my blog, I do the boring bits first, sky grass, etc, because it means that you've still got the exciting bits to look forward to and are less likely ot get bored!
VastaaPoistaGreat start with Sunrise! Truly sorry to hear about the frogging that you had to do on Titania though! Don't forget stunner progress is progress even if it's only 1 stitch. Happy stitching this week and so cool that you take your projects on holidays with you. I'm glad I'm not the only craft freak that does that! LOL!
VastaaPoistaAlicia xo
Nice start on Sunrise. Titania is looking pretty... so sorry to hear about the frogs. That sucks. :(
VastaaPoistaEnjoy your vacation!!!
Thanks everyone :)
VastaaPoistaAlicia, I couldn't imagine going anywhere without one of my projects :) That probably tells something about me ;)