Here's an update on Fragile Heart after a couple of days stitching (I know, this must be the tiniest update of all! :D)
Ja tässä muutaman päivän pistelyn tulos Diamondiin (anteeksi rypyt toisessa kuvassa):
And here's the update on Diamond (sorry the wrinkles in the second picture):
Viime postauksen kommenteista voi lukea, että HAED on tarjonnut toisen vaihtoehdon tähän Ice Wind-ilmaismalliin. Siinä iho on tasaisemman värinen, joten päädyin siihen, että puran osan tehdystä ja pistelen uudelleen. Nyt otan taas Ice Wind:in työn alle viikoksi, jotta saisin toisen edistymiskuvan HAED BB:lle sekä tehtyä edes sen verran, mitä viimeksi tein.
You can read from the comments of the previous post, that HAED has released another option for the SK freebie (Ice Wind). Her skin is much more smoother, so I ended up with frogging part of her face. Now I'll stitch her another week, so I can get a progress picture to HAED BB and I'll at least catch up to that point where I was before frogging.
They both look absolutely beautiful. I can see your progress on both of them, I don't see that as a tiny update at all.
VastaaPoistaI want to stitch one of the birth stones but I can't decide which one (I know, you're meant to use your birth stone, but opal isn't my favourite!). Happy stitching, can't wait to see more.
i love what you have done to fragile heart, you have stitched a lot more than me, well done on Diamond too!
VastaaPoistaI just love the diamond design! And fragile heart looks wonderful, too :)
VastaaPoistaLove the little hear on her forehead, Nina. :D Wonderful progress on both your WIPs. :D
VastaaPoistayou've made wonderful progress Nina!
VastaaPoistaThey both look great!
Wow Nina they both look stunning. I just love that diamond everytime I see it I am always amazed at how it really sparkles. Beautiful work.
VastaaPoistaAlicia xo
Thanks for your comments! Love to read them and they keep me going :)