First of all, thank you for everyone for cheering me up :) I got my stitchy bug back after two months of waiting, yay! Unfortunately Sweet Pea Fairy is still only a start, not even a worth of a pic. I've been thinking what actually happened, why I totally lost my mojo. I suppose, I kind of burned out. I'm a perfectionist, who always demands more and more from herself. So for now on, I'll set a time goal instead of amount. So I won't stitch HAED's page by page anymore, it becomes so easily a race with myself. I'll stitch every chart about a week and get as far as I get. No more pressure. Here's SHH Now after few days stitching (sorry for the lousy pic):
Otan osaa HAED BB:n yhteispistelyyn, josta valitsin tämän kirjanmerkin. Tästä ei siis tule mitään kirjanmerkkiä vaan taulu, koska valmiilla työllä tulee olemaan pituutta melkein 40cm. Tämä malli on pitkään ollut toivehankinta-listalla, mutta olen hieman empinyt motivaatiotani siihen. Siksi tämä "kirjanmerkki-koko" tulikin aivan kuin tilauksesta :)
I'll join HAED BB SAL and chose this SK called Ice Wind 1. She's not going to be a storykeep (almost 15 inches high), but she's one on my wishlist which I've been hesitating a lot. She's really beautiful, but could I find a motivation to stitch her? So this SAL felt like made for me :)
Great to hear that yor bug is back! I missed your updates on your wonderful stitching :(
VastaaPoistaChanging your rotating system is a good idea, maybe that was the cause. I hope that you will feel better with your new system :)
Shh Now is very lovely, what a cute ear!
And Ice wind is really beautiful, I'd love to see your stitching on that one :)
Vau :) Ei voi kuin ihailla teitä, jotka jaksatte pistellä näitä jättitöitä. Pistelytauko aina silloin tällöin on paikallaan, etenkin jos harrastus alkaa tuntua pakkotyöltä.
VastaaPoistaShh Now on minusta ihana malli. Onnittelut sen edistymisestä. Ja Ice wind on herkkä ja kaunis. :)
VastaaPoistajust stumbled upon your blog Nina.. you got a lovely space.. nice to see all your projects progressing..:)congrats.. following you from now on.
VastaaPoistapls visit my blog when you get time..
Yeah Nina, don't pressure yourself. Our stitching should be fun and relaxing, not stressing :-D
VastaaPoistaThanks, it's great to be back :)
VastaaPoistaAnd MiniBinoy, nice to meet you! Hopefully you'll enjoy your time here :)
Welcome back, Nina!!! It's good to take some time away sometimes, but I'm happy to see your WIPs again. :D