Here's before and after pics after the IHaSW (click the link):
Toivon saavani tämän sivun valmiiksi perjantaihin mennessä, mutta saa nähdä miten käy. Keskellä oleva timantti on pelkkää yksittäispistoa.
I'll try to finish the third page until Friday, but we'll see. The diamond from the center is full of confetti, so it'll keep me busy.
You've done loads this weekend, I'm really impressed.
VastaaPoistaCan't wait to see your progress on this because iut's such a gorgeous design. I really want to do one of the birth stone charts myself, but I can't decide which one I like the most.
Paljon olet taas ennättänyt pistellä. Palaan tuohon awardiin lähiaikoina. Kiitos siitä :)
VastaaPoistaGreat progress, Nina!!
VastaaPoistaThat looks very beautiful and you made a lot of progress. Your tent stitching looks great!
VastaaPoistaDiamond is lovely stunning, great work!
Wow, beautiful chart and great progress on it!
VastaaPoistaKiitos kommenteista :)
VastaaPoistaThanks for your comments :)