Here's the first page (almost):
Joitakin värejä minulla ei vielä ollut (niinkin voi näemmä vielä käydä), joten lankatilausta odotellessa... Nyt pistelen muutaman päivän Fragile Heart:ia, jonka jälkeen Titania pääsee esille pariksi päiväksi :)
I didn't have all the colours for the first page (imagine, that could happen!) so I have to wait for awhile... Now I'm back to Fragile Heart and then it's Titania's turn again :)
Nice!!! I really like that, Nina. :D
VastaaPoistaThe colors are soft to the eyes. I like it Nina :-)
VastaaPoistaYour start is wonderful! I like the colors in this one a lot. What fabric are you using and are you stitching 2 threads over one square?
Bobbie :)
Thank you for your comments :)
VastaaPoistaBobbie, I stitch all of my HAEDs on 25ct Lugana. This one is being stitched two threads over one, but with tent stitches not full x's. That's the best way for me and all of my HAEDs (except Bunch of Love) are stitched this way.
So beautiful. This is a gorgeous chart by Marchetti and as always perfectly stitched by you. Congratulations on another stunning piece of art!
VastaaPoistaAlicia xo