I finished the page sooner than I expected:
Timantti ei loppujen lopuksi ollutkaan niin vaikea kuin ennakolta oletin. Nyt olen kuitenkin niin täynnä tuota kiviseinää, että seuraavaksi jatkan toiselta riviltä. Pääsen sillä tavoin nopeammin itse asiaan eli tyttöön ja mielekkyys tässä työssä säilyy. Seuraavaksi pistelyvuorossa on Wrath sekä parin päivän ajan I See the Light.
The diamond wasn't that bad with confetti as I thought at first. I'm pretty fed up with that grey wall, so I'll stitch next from the second row. That way I'll get to her sooner and I won't lose my interest for this WIP. Next in my rotation will be Wrath and I See the Light (for couple of days).
The colours are simply wonderful!
VastaaPoistaIt's gorgeous. The diamond is shining like a real one! I want more but as something else is going to be stitched, I'll wait. Wrath is fantastic too.
VastaaPoistaYAY!!!! Congrats on the early finish. It looks GREAT! I love the butterflies and jewel (?) in the middle section.
VastaaPoistaVery pretty!
VastaaPoistaKirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.
VastaaPoistaStunning work!!
I'm always impressed how fast and how wonderful you stitch! The diamond looks fantastic :)
VastaaPoistaIt's so beautiful Nina. That diamond looks so lifelike. It's so stunning and you haven't even reached the fairy yet. It's going to be an amazing piece. Congratulations on your progress.
VastaaPoistaBy the way thank you so much for the stylish blogger award. I've had computer problems and only discovered it the other day. You're very sweet. Thank you.
Alicia xo
Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate them all! :D